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Trap Pond State Park Picnic Grove .

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 Missed the funster party, back yard set up

FUNSTERS Field Day 2017 Report
The Delmarva Amateur Radio Funsters Take To The Field!
With great anticipation the Funsters get ready for FD 2017! When we arrive at Trap
Pond State Park, in Laurel DE we begin to set up antennas. Well it seems that the
Governor of Delaware was going to be camping over night and we were forced to move.
It turned out that we had to move to the picnic area on the other side of the pond
and it was perfect. Lots of picnic tables, trees, nice weather and a cool breeze,
what more could you ask for. With all antennas up, batteries charged and radios ready
we get started. The bands are alive with signals! We played on 6, 10, 15, 20, and 40
meters. We didn't set the world on fire and we learned a lot about our antennas and
their placement.
Oh and don't forget the food! Burgers, dogs on the grill along with baked beans, corn
on the cob and potato salad. Everyone filled up. Good food, good drink, good friends
and Amateur radio. What a weekend!
Paul NR3P, Jamie W3IC, Ed N3OB, Bill N3IOD, Jim AB3SD, Jack K8UYC, Jerry W3JDM, Bob
W3QJ and Stormy the wonder dog were present at FD 2017. Thanks to all stations that
worked us.
Right now we are planning to light up some local lighthouses for lighthouse/lightship
weekend. This will be the 3rd full weekend in August. National Lighthouse day is August
7th and we planning an activity for that day as well. We hope that all of you are having
as much "FUN" as we are.
That's it for now,until the next exploits of the Funsters.
72/72.5/73, Bill N3IOD
Pictures by Jack K8UYC, enjoy.